About Us

About Us – AGUWAIE Team
Empowering Dreams, Building Legacies

Welcome to AGUWAIE
At AGUWAIE, we are more than a team—we are a global family united by a shared vision of growth, wellness, and success. Founded by visionary leader Bir Theeng Tamang, a DXN Double Diamond achiever and renowned direct selling coach, AGUWAIE is dedicated to empowering entrepreneurs within the DXN community. Our name embodies our core values, guiding every step we take to uplift individuals toward financial freedom, holistic well-being, and purposeful living.

Our Mission
“To empower DXN entrepreneurs through mentorship, training, and unwavering support. We foster holistic health, wealth, and meaningful relationships, anchored in DXN’s core values, to build a thriving global community—online and offline.”

Our Core Values: AGUWAIE

  • A – Accountability/Attitude: We own our actions and approach challenges with positivity.
  • G – Guidance/Gratitude: We mentor with wisdom and lead with heartfelt appreciation.
  • U – Unity/Unique: We celebrate collaboration while honoring individual potential.
  • W – Wealth/Wellness: We champion financial freedom and holistic health.
  • A – Action/Affirmations: We turn goals into reality through decisive steps and empowering mindsets.
  • I – Inspiration/Integrity: We lead by example, fueling dreams with honesty and ethics.
  • E – Empowerment/Exercise: We strengthen bodies, minds, and spirits to unlock limitless potential.

Meet Our Founder: Bir Theeng Tamang
Bir Theeng Tamang, a trailblazing DXN Double Diamond leader from Nepal, brings decades of expertise in direct selling. As a trusted coach and global strategist, he has transformed countless lives by simplifying success in the DXN business. His vision extends beyond borders—through AGUWAIE’s proven system, he equips distributors and leaders worldwide with the tools to achieve their dreams. Bir’s passion lies in nurturing leaders who thrive financially, physically, and spiritually, creating legacies that ripple across generations.


  • Expert-Led Training: Learn from Bir Theeng Tamang’s proven strategies and global insights.
  • Holistic Growth: Balance wealth-building with wellness and integrity.
  • Global Community: Connect with like-minded achievers in a supportive, inclusive network.
  • DXN Excellence: Align with a brand trusted for quality and ethical practices.

Together, Let’s Rise
AGUWAIE isn’t just a team—it’s a movement. Whether you’re starting your DXN journey or leading a network, we’re here to guide you. Embrace accountability, act with purpose, and let us empower you to thrive.

Ready to transform your life? Join AGUWAIE and step into your power today.


Transforming Lives, One Success Story at a Time

At AGUWAIE, we believe that every journey starts with a single step. Our community of aspiring entrepreneurs and seasoned leaders is thriving, all thanks to our commitment to transformative training and unwavering support. Here are a few stories that showcase the incredible journeys of individuals who have embraced their potential through AGUWAIE:

हाम्रो यात्रा र उद्देश्य

हाम्रो कथा यहींबाट सुरु हुन्छ, जहाँ जीवनका अनगिन्ती उतार-चढाव र अनुभवहरूको समागम छ।

सुरुवातको समय

मेरो यात्राको प्रारम्भ सधैं माया र संकोचसँगै भएको थियो। म सामान्य जीवन जिउँदै थिएँ, तर मेरो मनमा ठूलो सपना थियो। मैले आफ्नो जीवनलाई परिवर्तन गर्न र मेरो समुदायका लागि अवसर सिर्जना गर्न ठानें। यो सपना साकार गर्नका लागि मैले कदम चालेको थिएँ।

समुदायको महत्त्व

जब म मेरो अभियानमा अघि बढ्दै गइरहेँ, मैले थाहा पाएँ कि एकता र सहयोग महत्वपूर्ण छन्। साथै, मैले मेरो लगभग साथीहरूलाई पनि सम्पर्कमा ल्याई। हामीले एक आपसमा अनुभवहरू साझा गर्यौं र एकअर्कासँग समर्थन गर्यौं। यसले मलाई शक्ति र आत्मविश्वास दियो।

शिक्षा र मार्गदर्शन

मैले व्यवसायको क्षेत्रमा मैले सिकेका पाठहरूलाई साझा गर्न थालें। प्रशिक्षण, कार्यशाला, र परामर्शद्वारा मैले अन्यलाई मार्गनिर्देशन गर्न खोजें। यो प्रक्रियाले मलाई गहिरो सन्तोषको अनुभव दियो, र समग्र समुदायको विकासमा मेरो भूमिकामा म गर्व गर्न थालें।

धन र स्वास्थ्य

म बुझेँ कि केवल आर्थिक समृद्धि मात्र नभई, स्वास्थ्य पनि अत्यावश्यक कुरा हो। मेरो दृष्टिकोणमा, सम्पूर्ण जीवनको सुखका लागि शरीर र मस्तिष्क स्वस्थ हुनु पर्दछ। त्यसैले, म स्वास्थ्य र धनका बीचको सन्तुलनलाई जोड दिन्छु।

भविष्यको समीकरण

आज म यहाँ छु, उत्कृष्टता र सकारात्मक परिवर्तनका लागि काम गर्दै। Aguwaie ले मलाई र मेरो समुदायलाई सशक्त बनाएको छ। म भविष्यका लागि उज्यालो योजना बनाउन र साझा गरेर सम्पूर्ण समुदायलाई सँगै लान चाहन्छु।

सपना देख्ने, सपना साकार गर्ने

आजै AGUWAIE मा सामेल हुनुहोस् र आफ्नो सफलताको यात्रा सुरु गर्नुहोस्।

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We believe in empowering individuals through our training. Join us for workshops that inspire and educate, and experience the benefits.

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Join us for our sessions designed to create a positive impact in communities. We are here to support your growth and success.

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We invite you to experience the AGUWAIE difference. Each session is tailored to help you succeed and uplift your community.